Notes On Fish In Japanese Cooking
Fish is one of the mainstays of the japanese diet, especially in the form of sashimi(Cut raw fish). It is thus extremely important ot know how to select fish. Freshness is by far the top priority: choose fresh or live fish with bright and clear eyses, and translucent, firm, springy flesh. salt water fish are the most commonly used (fresh water fish are seldom eaten raw). The fish must be kept at a temperature between 37.4 F° (3 C°) and 47 F° (5 C°) to prevent spoilage.(Do not, however, let the temperature fall below 37.4 F°(3 c°), or the fish will freeze. It is also important to keep the cutting board,knife, white towels, etc. used in preparing sashimi clean. Wash the fish, remove the entrails, then rinse again in cold water. The fish cannot be rinsed once it has been deboned, since contact with water would wash away the flavor, and also make it more vulnerable to rapid spoilage. Learning todebone fish is a key stip in making sashimi. You need only refer to the illustrations below and practice several times to master this procedure. Illustrated and explained below are the methods for deboning fish and for preparing fish for pressed sushi with sashimi.
Basic Method for Deboning Fish
1.Start cutting near the fins. Hold the knife slightly angled to the left. When you cut down to the large bone, turn the fish over, repeat this same cut, and remove the head.
2.Insert the knife below the belly and cut from left to right, all the way through.
3.Remove the entrails and wash the fish. Cut from the belly to the tail.
4.Next, cut from the upper back fin area down. When you hit the main bone, cut from right to left, all the way through.
5.Insert the knife into the tail portion and and cut, down to the bone, towards the head. Remove the fillet.
6. Cut into the area where the tail is joined. You can now remove the fillet from one side.
7.Follow the same procedure to remove the fillet from the other side. When correctly sliced, it will come off in three pieces.
8.Cut off the fish bones from the belly. Repeat on the other side.
9.Insert a knife between the flesh and the skin. Grasp the skin with your left hand. Remove the flesh by pushing the knife in.
10.Cut off the small bones in the posterior ventral area, where the dark- colored meat is ( or remove the bones with a tweezers).
11.Trim the flesh into a rectangle(so that it resembles a block of wood).
12.Cut with a sashimi knife as illustrated to form flat slices.
Preparing Sashimi for pressed Sushi
13.The belly flesh of tuna fish has a high fat content, and is the most tender and delicious part of the fish.
14.Cut into slices about 1/8"(.3 cm)thick at an angle against the grain (angle the knife to the left, and cut each slice off with one stroke of the knife).
15.Again, cut the back portion into 1/8"(.3 cm) thick slices at an angle against the grain(the knife tip should be angled somewhat to the right, then angled back, so the slices have arounded edge).
16.slices with a rounded edge give a three-dimensional effect and are convenient for use in arrangements.